Transforming the lives of families experiencing homelessness.
Family Promise is a community-based approach to solving homelessness, engaging both the local community as well as faith-based organizations in an effort to effectively remedy family homelessness. Families in our program receive a full complement of resources, support, and training as they work towards their own stability and self-reliance.
Donate Today
Your monthly donations can help children and families gain access to a roof, a warm bed and access to food.
Why We Do What We Do
Homeless families are often hidden from our view—they are living in shelters, cars, campgrounds, or doubled up in overcrowded apartments. The following statistics reveal the harsh reality of homelessness among children and families in the U.S.
An estimated
2.5 million
children experience homelessness each year in America. 35% of all homeless persons are families with children.
In the U.S.
1 in 6
children under age 18, or 13 million, live in poverty. One in 30 children in the United States experience homelessness annually.
There are only
affordable and available rental units for every 100 Los Angeles households earning at or below 50% of the area’s median income.
How We Serve Our Families
Family Promise is committed to helping families experiencing homelessness achieve lasting independence through a variety of services and programs.

How You Can Help
Help homeless and low-income families regain their independence. We offer many opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the families we serve.